Program > Scientific ProgramSuggestions to get prepared for the tutorials:
The students can prepare for my tutorial by installing Docker and following the instructions given in this repository: https://github.com/martijnende/corsica2023 . The Docker image is about 2 Gb in size (TensorFlow is a really big library...)
The SeisBench tutorial will be using Google Colab (https://colab.research.google.com/). You will need a Google account for using Colab. If you instead want to run the examples locally, please install SeisBench beforehand. To install SeisBench, just use "pip install seisbench". For more details on installing SeisBench locally, go to https://github.com/seisbench/seisbench#installation.
Instruction to get prepared for the GNSS time series analysis tutorial can be found here : instructions_tuto_GNSS-TSanalysis
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