# Installing ITSA on your machine: ITSA can be installed on a UNIX-like host (Linux, OS X) or a Windows host. The code is written in Python, we recommend using a Python version between 3.7 and 3.10. ## On Linux: ### (Optional) you can create a Python virtualenv to insulate your ITSA working environment: $ pip3 install virtualenv $ mkdir -p /home//venv/itsa $ python3 -m venv /home//venv/itsa $ source /home//itsa/bin/activate ### Install required Python packages, e.g. using pip: $ pip3 install numpy matplotlib scipy tqdm pandas ### Create a working directory for ITSA: $ mkdir /home//itsa_tutorial ### Clone the ITSA GitLab repository: $ cd /home//itsa_tutorial $ git clone https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/isterre-cycle/itsa.git ### Edit the "path_workdir" and "path_module" variables in /home//itsa_tutorial/itsa/param_itsa.py to match your working directory: $ cd /home//itsa_tutorial/itsa $ vim param_itsa.py --> replace the path_module (line 15) and path_workdir (line 18): """ # Path to ITSA module # Path to the folder containing 'ista' folder. path_module = '/home//itsa_tutorial' # str # Path to ITSA folder path_workdir = '/home//itsa_tutorial/test_files/' # str """ ### Run ITSA on a test case to check that you do not get any error: $ cd /home//itsa_tutorial/itsa $ python3 tsanalysis_itsa.py 0036 ## On OS X: ### (Optional) you can create a Python virtualenv to insulate your ITSA working environment: $ pip3 install virtualenv $ mkdir -p /Users//venv/itsa $ python3 -m venv /Users//venv/itsa $ source /Users//itsa/bin/activate ### Install required Python packages, e.g. using pip: $ pip3 install numpy matplotlib scipy tqdm pandas ### Create a working directory for ITSA: $ mkdir /Users//itsa_tutorial ### Clone the ITSA GitLab repository: $ cd /Users//itsa_tutorial $ git clone https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/isterre-cycle/itsa.git ### Edit the "path_workdir" and "path_module" variables in /home//itsa_tutorial/itsa/param_itsa.py to match your working directory: $ cd /Users//itsa_tutorial/itsa $ vim param_itsa.py --> replace the path_module (line 15) and path_workdir (line 18): """ # Path to ITSA module # Path to the folder containing 'ista' folder. path_module = '/Users//itsa_tutorial' # str # Path to ITSA folder path_workdir = '/Users//itsa_tutorial/test_files/' # str """ ### Run ITSA on a test case to check that you do not get any error: > cd /Users//itsa_tutorial/itsa > python3 tsanalysis_itsa.py 0036 ## On Windows, using the PowerShell: ### (Optional) you can create a Python virtualenv to insulate your ITSA working environment: > py -m pip install virtualenv > mkdir -p C:\\venv > cd C:\\venv > py -m venv itsa > itsa\Scripts\activate ### Install required Python packages, e.g. using pip: > py -m pip install numpy matplotlib scipy tqdm pandas ### Create a working directory for ITSA: > mkdir C:\\itsa_tutorial ### Clone the ITSA GitLab repository: > cd C:\\itsa_tutorial > git clone https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/isterre-cycle/itsa.git ### Edit the "path_workdir" and "path_module" variables in C:\\itsa_tutorial\itsa\param_itsa.py to match your working directory: > cd C:\\itsa_tutorial\itsa > notepad.exe param_itsa.py --> replace the path_module (line 15) and path_workdir (line 18): """ # Path to ITSA module # Path to the folder containing 'ista' folder. path_module = 'C:\\\\itsa_tutorial' # str # Path to ITSA folder path_workdir = 'C:\\\\itsa_tutorial\\test_files' # str """ ### Run ITSA on a test case to check that you do not get any error: > cd C:\\itsa_tutorial\itsa > py tsanalysis_itsa.py 0036 # Managing input files: ## GNSS time series: Time series should be stored in the test_files/INPUT_TS directory in PBO POS format, like the 0036 example. For the turorial, you can download the time series from https://doi.osug.fr/public/GNSS_products/GNSS.products.Japan.html ## Events catalog (INPUT_CATS): ### Seismic catalog: We already include a worldwide seismic catalog with Mw>=6 events from the ISC (isc_catalog.txt). You can download you own catalog from the ISC website if you want to (http://www.isc.ac.uk/iscbulletin/search/catalogue/). ### Slow-slip events (SSE) catalog: An example of SSE catalog for Japan is included as sse_catalog.txt. You can add your own events, following the same format. ### Unknown events catalog: You can add non-tectonic events to unknown_ev_catalog.txt. ## Station metadata are stored in INPUT_STN_METADATA/staDB: The GipsyX format is used, where you can specify antenna or receiver replacements. # Outputs from ITSA: The results of the processing are stored in the RESULTS folder, with plots in the PLOTS folder and ASCII files in the OUTPUT_FILES folder.